Short Term

“Short-term” is defined as less than 28 days. If you would like to take a short working retreat or bring a youth or adult group to the mission for a week to ten days, we will be happy to help you make the necessary arrangements.

You will:

–    Enjoy a retreat experience and find some time away from daily distractions.

–    Be able to meet the children we serve.

–    Have the opportunity under certain circumstances to attend daily Mass or a Communion service.

–    Be able to join with others in praying morning, noon, and evening prayers.

Short-term working assignments are available depending on your talents.  Our Visitor Center is open and can accommodate groups of up to 25 people.

Requirements for a stay at our Visitor Center are different for long-term and short-term volunteers, so please refer to the APUFRAM Handbook and Visitor Center Guidebook  for more information.

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